Safe and friendly workplace

Equality, diversity, openness

We follow clear criteria for hiring, evaluating and promoting employees.

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We follow clear criteria for hiring, evaluating and promoting employees. At each level and stage of employment at the Grupa Azoty Group all that matters are competencies, experience, performance and values represented – this is what determines an employee’s professional career in our organisation. Any discrimination in employment and workplace bullying are prohibited. Any reports of such behaviour are investigated and, if confirmed, the guilty party is subject to severe legal and disciplinary sanctions. Equal treatment in employment is ensured by relevant provisions of the companies’ articles of association, labour rules and collective bargaining agreements.

Read more about our code of ethics

Despite the lack of any formalised policy for this area, over the years our Group has developed rules that promote greater diversity. We seek to ensure diversity encompassing gender, education, age and professional experience among all employees, especially those in managerial positions and key managers. One of the important values identified in Grupa Azoty’s Code of Ethical Conduct is respect, which manifests itself in refraining from any acts or decisions and from making any statements that could violate another person’s dignity. It entails a duty to respect any nationality, race, gender, age, disability, religion, political views, sexual orientation, as well as different beliefs and opinions.

One of our strategic objectives until 2030 is to establish a formal policy of workplace diversity with respect to gender, education, age and professional experience, applicable at the entire Grupa Azoty Group. 

At all of our parent companies, the difference in individual employees’ salaries is natural and does not represent a gender pay gap. We never offer different remuneration based on gender.

[WSE S-P2]

Gender pay gap ratio1

Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN9.66%
Grupa Azoty POLICE6.66%
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY7.63%
Grupa Azoty S.A.5.12%

The gender pay gap ratio is calculated as the difference between the average monthly remuneration of men and women employed under employment or managerial contracts (including bonuses, awards and other allowances). The ratio covers staff employed under employment and managerial contracts. It was calculated for the first time for 2021.


Ratio of average gross pay of women to men 2

Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYNGrupa Azoty POLICEGrupa Azoty PUŁAWYGrupa Azoty S.A.

Other blue-collar jobs
Laboratory staff
Senior staff
Specialist staff
Senior management

2 The gender pay gap ratio is calculated as the difference between the average monthly remuneration of men and women employed under employment or managerial contracts (including bonuses, awards and other allowances). The ratio covers staff employed under employment and managerial contracts. It was calculated for the first time for 2021.


In accordance with applicable regulations, contributions to the State Fund for Rehabilitation of the Disabled are paid by all employers who have at least 25 employees, with less than 6% of them being disabled. The largest portion of those funds are transferred directly to employers as wage subsidies. The Fund also supports disabled individuals, non-governmental organisations working for people with disabilities, and specialist projects, such as occupational therapy workshops, or social economy initiatives, such as occupational activity centres.

[Own disclosure]

Total annual contributions to PFRON – the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled [PLN]

Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN1,123,135.01,119,321.0
Grupa Azoty POLICE2,803,768.02,997,670.0
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY3,880,515.43,970,906.0
Grupa Azoty S.A.2,576,138.02,771,812.0
Safe and friendly workplace
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Safe and friendly workplace