Immediate environment

Stakeholder dialogue


In line with the new ESG strategy, we aim to increase our positive impact on the socioeconomic environment. We work closely with numerous stakeholder groups, and we expand projects benefitting our customers.

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We want to communicate our activities, plans, achievements and challenges in a fair, timely and reliable manner. Given the scale of our business we work with numerous stakeholder groups across the country. The Group has implemented the Stakeholder Registers guidelines, which set out the method and procedure for identifying stakeholders, assessing the materiality of stakeholder groups and keeping a stakeholder register. We maintain partner relations with our stakeholders, and we engage in dialogue on topics relevant to specific stakeholder groups and to our organisation. The form and frequency of the dialogue have been aligned with stakeholder needs and expectations. Responsibility for maintaining the dialogue lies with the heads of relevant functional areas of the Group companies.

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Shareholders, investors, brokerage houses, analysts, rating agencies
What stakeholders want to know:
How we build relationships:
How often we engage:
  • dividend, share price
  • impact of COVID-19 on the Group’s business
  • the Group’s growth strategy, investment and acquisition plans
  • status of key investment projects with special focus on Polimery Police
  • market challenges and opportunities, e.g. with regard to digital transformation and innovation
  • risk management, with particular focus on ESG, climate and operational risks
  • environmental management performance and plans
  • procedures to be followed for share transfer transactions
  • analysis of financial results
  • short-term prospects for business segments
  • effect of acquisitions on the Grupa Azoty Group’s performance, synergies achieved
  • activities planned within the European Green Deal framework
  • procedures to be followed for share transfer transactions
  • General Meetings of Shareholders
  • earnings conferences
  • one-on-one meetings
  • newsletter
  • investor conferences
  • regular meetings in the form of site visits
  • special-occasion meetings
  • Wall Street conference organised by the Polish Association of Retail Investors
  • investor chats
  • quarterly financial reporting
  • quarterly earnings conferences
  • ongoing communication and publication of current reports
  • General Meetings of Shareholders convened at least once a year
  • dialogue and meetings on an as-needed basis
Capital market institutions and associations
What stakeholders want to know:How we build relationships:How often we engage:

  • approach to implementing the new regulatory requirements related to the TCFD package
  • risk management, with particular focus on ESG and climate risks
  • inquiries made in connection with compliance with disclosure requirements
  • opinion polling questions asked when regulatory changes are planned
  • impact of COVID-19 on the Group’s business
  • corporate governance
  • opinion polling questions asked when regulatory changes are planned
  • contact links on the website

  • ongoing communication in line with disclosure requirements
  • quarterly earnings conferences
  • participation in conferences, meetings and training
Capital market media
What stakeholders want to know:How we build relationships:How often we engage:
  • requests for the Grupa Azoty Group's comments on current events or its position on specific media or economic news
  • the Grupa Azoty Group’s impact on economic and social development
  • impact of COVID-19 on the Group’s business
  • situation on the natural gas and CO2 emission allowances markets
  • strategy of the Grupa Azoty Group
  • activities planned within the European Green Deal framework, investment and acquisition plans
  • cooperation with investor websites 
  • press conferences
  • email correspondence and telephone contact 
  • participation in meetings held by the Grupa Azoty Group

  • quarterly earnings conferences
  • ongoing communication
Local communities
What stakeholders want to know:How we build relationships:How often we engage:
  • expectations as to the continuation of social engagement activities
  • questions concerning new forms of activity as part of partnership with farmers/rural communities
  • questions about participation in conferences and events
  • consultations in the event of regulatory changes
  • meetings with local community representatives (artists, teachers, athletes, businessmen and others)
  • site meetings, participation in local events
  • integrated report
  • participation of the Grupa Azoty Group employees in projects for the benefit of local communities as part of the employee volunteering programme

  • dialogue session
  • site meetings on an as-needed basis
  • outdoor events
What stakeholders want to know:How we build relationships:How often we engage:
  • consolidation changes at the company and their consequences for the company’s trading partners
  • direct communication with contact persons designated by the Group companies
  • website
  • industry meetings, fairs
  • integrated report
  • as needed – on an ongoing basis and periodically
What stakeholders want to know:How we build relationships:How often we engage:
  • loyalty schemes and adaptation of the range of offered products and services to the expectations of a broad group of customers
  • new channels and methods of communication about the Group’s products
  • implementation of new innovative products and technologies
  • website and social media 
  • Grupa Azoty Group image surveys
  • integrated report
  • ongoing activities, opinion/satisfaction surveys once a year
Industry organisations
What stakeholders want to know:How we build relationships:How often we engage:
  • environmental impact of the Group 
  • environmental initiatives implemented at the Group
  • strategy of the Grupa Azoty Group 
  • joint project opportunities
  • participation in industry events
  • participation of Grupa Azoty representatives in the work and initiatives of industry organisations
  • promotion of good practices implemented at the Grupa Azoty Group
  • as needed – on an ongoing basis and periodically
Environmental organisations
What stakeholders want to know:How we build relationships:How often we engage:
  • environmental impact of the Group 
  • environmental initiatives implemented at the Group
  • strategy of the Grupa Azoty Group with
  • website and social media 
  • email communication
  • as needed – on an ongoing basis and periodically
Local and central government administration, regulator
What stakeholders want to know:How we build relationships:How often we engage:
  • approach to implementing new regulatory requirements
  • consultations in the event of regulatory changes
  • contact links on the website
  • as needed – on an ongoing basis and periodically
Research institutions
What stakeholders want to know:How we build relationships:How often we engage:
  • research and development initiatives carried out at the Grupa Azoty Group
  • joint R&D project opportunities
  • participation in events
  • website
  • integrated report
  • as needed – on an ongoing basis and periodically
Read more about knowledge transfers to food producers


Farmers and agricultural producers are a special stakeholder group for Grupa Azoty. We recognise that, when selecting a fertilizer, farmers take into account the product quality as well as access to comprehensive expert advice, local training opportunities, the producer’s visits at farms, research and development of new fertilizer products and application technologies, and assistance in soil testing. We know that our expertise can contribute to the development of sustainable agriculture across Poland. Therefore, we consistently pursue educational activities targeting both farmers and agricultural consultants/advisors. We educate via the press, television and the Internet, and our advice reaches an audience of millions every year.


We have run the Grounded in Knowledge nationwide programme of soil pH testing and soil nutrient analysis free of charge for many years now. The programme is implemented in cooperation with accredited laboratories of Regional Chemical and Agricultural Stations. The project is aimed at promoting optimum fertilizer application technologies matching the crop type and nutrient content of soil, as well as fostering the development of new fertilization technologies and fertilizer products that cater to the needs of Polish farmers. Our field consultants provide fertilizer advice to promote sustainable nutrient management. Rational use of nitrogen and compound fertilizers prevents nutrient pollution, while increasing soil pH helps reduce soil degradation.

Some 800 farms participated in the programme in 2021. 9,915 soil samples from approximately 12,000 hectares of land were tested. Under the programme, soil was tested for the presence of accessible forms of phosphorus, and the content of accessible forms of potassium and magnesium, soil acidity and agronomic category were determined. Fertilizer recommendations were provided by Grupa Azoty field consultants to all farmers participating in the Grounded in Knowledge programme.

  • Our fertilizer platform had over 1.98 million unique users in 2021. The platform is a comprehensive source of knowledge in the field of fertilizers and fertilizer application for farmers. We regularly publish expert opinions, advice and precise crop fertilization schedules, disseminating good fertilizer practices. The platform provides farmers and food producers with access to detailed information on the properties, composition and optimal application of fertilizer products offered by the Group. The platform is also available via a YouTube channel with 26,000 plus subscribers at the end of 2021, over 6,000 more than a year earlier. Our videos were viewed more than 8.6 million times in 2021. 
  • A popular source of expert knowledge on agriculture and fertilization, our Agrolider magazine had close to 10,500 subscribers in 2021. 
  • We are a knowledge partner in Agrorewolucje, an online entertainment and education show with influencers that has gained popularity across the agro industry. The show promotes Grupa Azoty’s products through product placement in the natural context of the programme content. Episodes of the show were viewed over 3.8 million times in 2021. 
  • The ‘We care for the Polish land’ lottery is a project designed to stimulate customer purchasing activity and increase customer loyalty among farmers. In 2021, the project reached an audience that was over five times larger than in the preceding year.

Grupa Azoty Police is focused on expanding knowledge and raising environmental awareness among farmers.

The website provides advice to farmers and information on our products. In 2021, the website recorded 323,500 visits.

The NONSTOP Fertilizers Programme aims to promote good agricultural practices and sustainable fertilizer application. We also want to inform the public of measures taken by the company that have an impact on agriculture and farmers. In 2021, NONSTOP Fertilizers videos were viewed 8.7 million times.

Read more about our soil scanning programme

Read more about our collaboration with research institutions

At the Grupa Azoty Group, we employ people with extensive knowledge of chemicals. Our expertise is consistently enhanced through research work performed in partnership with the Łukasiewicz Research Network – New Chemical Syntheses Institute, a well-known and globally recognised institution that has long-standing relationships with many Grupa Azoty Group companies. Our partnership involves a range of R&D and implementation projects pursued in Poland and abroad, as well as joint development and pilot launches of new products and manufacturing technologies. Together with our partner, we are also working to develop smart fertilizers, that is new formulas tailored to the specific needs of various crops as well as the nutrient content in soils.

We were the first business to take part in the Network’s Łukasiewicz Challenge programme, which aimed to develop smart biodegradable polymer-coated fertilizers for use in agricultural production. The project is in the final phase of preparations for implementation. The Łukasiewicz Research Network is also the supplier of catalysts and sorbents for ammonia units across the Group and systems reducing greenhouse gas emissions by up to 95%.


In 2021, Grupa Azoty S.A. and the Łukasiewicz Research Network – New Chemical Syntheses Institute signed a letter of intent confirming further reinforcement of their long-standing cooperation in catalyst development. The cooperation will be developed by leveraging the parties’ experience, knowledge and know-how. The letter was signed during the Conference of Polish Catalyst Manufacturers and Users. The signatories declared that they would continue their scientific, research and implementation work, taking into account the specific nature of catalysts as well as their commercial and scientific potential, and that they would search for and develop new catalyst manufacturing technologies.


Grupa Azoty has been included in the Łukasiewicz Index, which aims to promote listed companies engaged in R&D activities. The index portfolio includes companies listed on the WSE’s regulated market and in its alternative trading system (New Connect) which have collaborative ties with the Łukasiewicz Research Network. The list of the index constituents was announced on April 1st 2021, and the quotations have been published daily since April 12th 2021.

We engage in discussions and exchange knowledge on chemicals with the rest of the industry during the Polish Chemical Industry Congress, a leading industry event. Grupa Azoty has long been a strategic partner of the Congress. Key topics addressed by the Congress in 2021 included the European Green Deal and the impact of the goals defined under its framework on the chemical industry in Poland. Experts also discussed issues related to the regulatory environment, whose stability is key to delivering goals facing the sector.

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