About the Grupa Azoty Group

Group structure

At the end of 2021, the Group consisted of Grupa Azoty S.A. (the parent) and nine direct subsidiaries together with indirect subsidiaries and associates.

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At the end of 2021, the Group consisted of Grupa Azoty S.A. (the parent) and nine direct subsidiaries together with indirect subsidiaries and associates. Grupa Azoty S.A.’s registered office is located in Tarnów. Although our Group is made up of many companies, we operate as a single integrated Grupa Azoty brand. This centralisation helps us achieve synergies to better leverage the potential of each production plant while increasing revenue and bringing down costs. The key economic decisions are made at the Group’s level while preserving the subsidiaries’ identities and legal autonomy.

The parent, i.e., Grupa Azoty S.A., is engaged in manufacturing and trading in engineering plastics, engineering plastics intermediates and nitrogen fertilizers, as well as related services. In addition to being listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2008, the Company is also a constituent of foreign indices: MSCI Emerging Markets.

The Parent and its subsidiaries as at December 31st 2021

Source: Company data.

See information about the business profiles of the other Grupa Azoty Group companies and our structure
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Grupa Azoty S.A.’s subsidiaries making up the Grupa Azoty Group:

  • Grupa Azoty Puławy 

specialisation: manufacture of nitrogen fertilizers, granular urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate and urea-ammonium nitrate solution (RSM®), melamine, hydrogen peroxide, caprolactam.

registered in: Puławy (Poland)

  • Grupa Azoty Police 

specialisation: manufacture of nitrogen fertilizers, compound fertilizers and titanium white

registered in: Police (Poland)

  • Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn 

specialisation: manufacture of nitrogen fertilizers, OXO alcohols and plasticizers

registered in: Kędzierzyn-Koźle (Poland)

  • Grupa Azoty Compounding

specialisation: specialised engineering plastics manufactured through the compounding of plastics

registered in: Tarnów (Poland) 

  • Grupa Azoty Kopalnie i Zakłady Chemiczne Siarki Siarkopol Grzybów

specialisation: production and processing of sulfur, manufacture of liquid, prilled, insoluble, milled, granulated and flaked sulfur

registered in: Grzybów (Poland)

  • Grupa Azoty Polskie Konsorcjum Chemiczne specialisation: end-to-end design services for investment projects in the chemical industry 

registered in: Tarnów (Poland) 

  • Grupa Azoty Koltar

specialisation: railway transport services, repair of rail car chassis and tanks used in the transport of hazardous materials

registered in: Tarnów (Poland)

  • Grupa Azoty ATT Polymers Guben

specialisation: manufacture of polyamide 6 (PA-6)

registered in: Guben (Germany)

  • COMPO EXPERT Holding Münster

specialisation: manufacture of speciality fertilizers

registered in: Münster (Germany)

  • Grupa Azoty Polyolefins

specialisation: the company responsible for the Polimery Police project

registered in: Police (Poland)


Structure of the Grupa Azoty Group as at December 31st 2021

See key ownership changes at our companies in 2021


Below are presented the main ownership changes at Grupa Azoty Group companies in 2021. For more detailed information, please see the Directors’ Report on Grupa Azoty S.A.’s and the Grupa Azoty Group’s operations in the 12 months ended December 31st 2021, available on the Grupa Azoty website.

  • Cancellation of shares in Prozap 
  • Cancellation of shares in Remzap
  • Exit of Grupa Azoty Jednostka Ratownictwa Chemicznego from the EKO TECHNOLOGIES consortium 
  • Capital increases at COMPO EXPERT Turkey Tarim Sanai ve Ticaret Ltd. Şirketi 
  • Repurchase of Grupa Azoty SIARKOPOL shares 
  • Merger of Grupa Azoty POLICE’s subsidiaries with Supra Agrochemia 

We manage our Group in a manner that ensures the achievement of strategic objectives. We have implemented an integrated management system based on international standards and structured around the principles of giving priority to customers, reducing environmental losses and mitigating the risk of hazards. We rely on the concept of continuous improvement.

Our priorities remain unchanged for years: 

  • high product quality, 
  • technological and plant safety, 
  • care for the environment, 
  • process safety, 
  • working conditions meeting the OHS requirements, 
  • improvement of energy efficiency. 
See our management structure

Management Board The operations of Grupa Azoty S.A. are managed by the Management Board. As at December 31st 2021, the composition of the Grupa Azoty S.A. Management Board was as follows1:


Tomasz Hinc - President of the Management Board
  • Corporate management
  • Corporate supervision
  • HR
  • Internal audit
  • Communication, PR, sponsorship and CSR
  • Compliance
  • Legal support
  • Representing Grupa Azoty S.A.

Mariusz Grab - Vice President of the Management Board
  • Procurement processes
  • ICT processes
  • Safety and cybersecurity management
  • Raw materials and intermediate products integration
  • President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty Police

Filip Grzegorczyk - PhD Vice President of the Management Board
  • Energy transition and New Green Deal
  • Regulations, public affairs and market protection
  • Corporate risks
  • Logistics

Tomasz Hryniewicz - Vice President of the Management Board
  • Sales management in the Agro and Plastics segments
  • Customer service quality management
  • Product portfolio management
  • President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty Puławy

Grzegorz Kądzielawski - PhD Vice President of the Management Board
  • Research and development
  • Innovation
  • Protection of intellectual and industrial property rights
  • Collaboration with universities
  • Monitoring of investment project implementation
  • Social dialogue
  • Strategic planning and monitoring of strategy implementation
  • Strategic project management
  • New Green Deal and Circular Economy

Marek Wadowski - Vice President of the Management Board
  • Financial management and accounting policies
  • Monitoring of budget implementation
  • Planning, budgeting and controlling
  • IR

Zbigniew Paprocki - Member of the Management Board, Director General
  • Director General
  • Integration of production processes across Grupa Azoty S.A.
  • Maintenance of production assets, shutdowns and repairs
  • Critical infrastructure
  • Plant, fire and environmental safety

On May 13th 2021, the Supervisory Board resolved to remove from office Witold Szczypiński, Vice President of the Management Board, and Artur Kopeć, Member of the Management Board, with effect from May 17th 2021. On May 13th 2021, the Supervisory Board also resolved to appoint, with effect from May 18th 2021, Marek Wadowski as Vice President of the Management Board and to approve the results of the election of a candidate for the position of member of the Management Board of the 12th term of office held among employees, whereby the election of Zbigniew Paprocki to that position was acknowledged.

For a detailed description of the remits of individual members of the Management Board, see the Directors’ Report on Grupa Azoty S.A.’s and the Grupa Azoty Group’s operations in the 12 months ended December 31st 2021.

Grupa Azoty S.A. Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board is responsible for ongoing supervision of Grupa Azoty S.A.’s operations. Its powers and responsibilities are described in the Company's Articles of Association and include:

  • appointing and removing from office Management Board members;
  • assessing the Management Board’s recommendations on the appropriation of profits or coverage of losses;
  • assessing the Directors' Reports on the operations of Grupa Azoty S.A. and the Grupa Azoty Group;
  • approving the Company’s long-term strategic plans;
  • issuing opinions to the General Meeting on all matters submitted by the Management Board for consideration;
  • granting approval for the Management Board to execute material transactions.

As at December 31st 2021, the composition of the Grupa Azoty S.A. Supervisory Board was as follows:

  • Magdalena Butrymowicz – Chair of the Supervisory Board 
  • Wojciech Krysztofik – Deputy Chair of the Supervisory Board 
  • Robert Kapka – Secretary of the Supervisory Board 
  • Monika Fill – Member of the Supervisory Board 
  • Bartłomiej Litwińczuk – Member of the Supervisory Board 
  • Michał Maziarka – Member of the Supervisory Board 
  • Marcin Mauer – Member of the Supervisory Board 
  • Janusz Podsiadło – Member of the Supervisory Board 
  • Roman Romaniszyn – Member of the Supervisory Board.

Grupa Azoty Council

The Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A. is assisted by the Grupa Azoty Council, comprising the management boards of the Group’s key companies. The Council provides advice and opinions and initiates measures to improve management and key changes at the Group. The Council’s powers and responsibilities include providing opinions on company budgets and objectives for long-term plans. The Council also serves as a platform enhancing communication, cooperation and information sharing.

About the Grupa Azoty Group
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About the Grupa Azoty Group