
Our approach to innovation

We are convinced that the adoption and deployment of innovations may be an engine of growth in the chemical sector.

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We are convinced that the adoption and deployment of innovations may be an engine of growth in the chemical sector. We look for innovative solutions that can advance and improve our products and technologies. New ideas emerge from initiatives proposed by the Grupa Azoty Group’s employees or are inspired by external stakeholders. We analyse market trends, consider customer needs and monitor legal regulations that may have bearing on the Group’s future.

In defining our mission and vision until 2030, we identified an innovation strategy, integrated into the Grupa Azoty Group Strategy for 2021–2030. Its goal is to deliver high quality new or improved products and to maintain a long-term competitive advantage. The necessary expenditure expected to be incurred on research, development, pilot units and innovation in 2030 is estimated at 2–3% of the Grupa Azoty Group’s revenue.

We intend to focus on innovation within four areas:

  • Innovation projects;
  • Development of an innovation system;
  • Support for corporate projects;
  • Innovation geared towards minimising the impact of regulatory risks.

At the Grupa Azoty Group, we have modern research and development facilities manned by an excellent staff of scientists. As a result, we can test new technology solutions internally and conduct our own research projects. We are also open to partnerships with institutions of science and prospective start-ups. In 2021, we improved our knowledge development and sharing process by implementing a repository to store digitised R&D documents and reports complete with specialised machine-learning models for automatic extraction of key data.


In 2021, the research infrastructure of the Grupa Azoty Puławy Research Laboratory was upgraded with a focus on the development of new nitrogen fertilizers and biotechnological processes. Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn, on the other hand, added new equipment to its Fertilizer Application Laboratory. New research equipment was also procured for the Alternative Fuels Laboratory.


We have an ongoing project to construct a Research and Development Centre in Puławy. For the purpose of the project, the former sodium perborate production building will be adapted and a separate facility with an area of approximately 400 m2 will be built. Work carried out at the R&D Centre will be focused on two strategic areas for Grupa Azoty Puławy, i.e. fertilizers and biotechnologies. Our research projects are expected to revolve around such themes as the production of PET plastics not derived from crude oil, biodegradable plastics and substances enhancing plant resilience to stress factors. The Research and Development Centre project is scheduled for completion in 2023.

We are aware of the changes lying ahead. In the coming years, a significant part of our R&D resources will be dedicated to the achievement of climate neutrality targets. The new projects will include: granular fertilizers with biodegradable coatings, fertilizers for application in forest areas, urease and nitrification inhibitors, and fertilizer formulas enriched with micronutrients from utilised waste streams. We also plan to step up activities in precision agriculture to advance the European Commission’s main goal with respect to Agro, i.e. improved effectiveness of fertilizer application.


In 2021, the R&D activities of Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn included: 

  • three innovative solutions developed by the R&D department
  • cooperation with six universities on ten research projects 
  • 19 doctoral theses for practical application (‘implementation doctorates’) 
  • six patents and four patent applications
  • nine externally co-funded projects with a total value of nearly PLN 182 million 
  • development of research infrastructure of the Alternative Fuels Laboratory and Fertilizer Application Laboratory

Read more about our innovation strategy

Learn more about our partnerships with science

We collaborate with several dozen leading universities and member institutes of the Łukasiewicz Research Network. We jointly implement both commercial projects and projects partly financed with European funds obtained via the National Centre for Research and Development under the Smart Growth Operational Programme.

In 2021, we continued the Grupa Azoty Brand Ambassador programme, which aims at building lasting relations between the academic community and industry. The programme is addressed to undergraduate and graduate students, who have the opportunity to learn first-hand about working for the largest chemical company in Poland. The role of selected Ambassadors is to promote our brand among students and doctoral candidates, and help us organise workshops and seminars. The programme participants are also able to attend meetings with managerial level staff of individual Group companies and to receive support in carrying out their own projects related to fertilizers or chemicals. The Ambassadors receive a monthly salary, and the best ones are entitled to apply for paid internships at the Grupa Azoty Group. During the 2021/2022 academic year, Grupa Azoty is represented by six Ambassadors designated by the Group’s key companies.

In cooperation with the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, we ran the national qualifiers of the WorldSkills Poland programme in the chemical laboratory technician category. The winner of the Polish edition received our expert support and equipment necessary to prepare for the international stage of the competition held in Shanghai. We also provided training support during the EuroSkills competition in Graz. The Grupa Azoty Group is the first major industrial partner from Poland engaged in promoting vocational education globally.

Our cooperative links with higher education institutions include the ‘implementation doctorates’ programme (with doctoral theses dedicated to practical application). Employees of the Group companies have been able to combine doctoral studies with professional work since the programme was launched in 2017. Doctoral programmes are conducted in partnership with the Silesian University of Technology, Wrocław University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology and Jagiellonian University. Between 2017 and 2022, the Group’s employees took up 51 research themes as part of their implementation doctorates. Three doctoral theses were submitted and successfully defended.


In July, we signed an agreement with the West Pomeranian Maritime and Technology Education Centre. The cooperation will involve unpaid work placements for students learning to become Mechanical Technicians and Mechatronics Technicians, as well as future mechanics attending the 1 degree Vocational School. In addition, the five most talented students will be granted scholarships. Grupa Azoty Police will also support events organised by the school, promoting the professions related to applied mechanics and mechatronics.

We have also partnered with the Maritime University of Szczecin: under an agreement signed in 2021, its Faculty of Mechanical Engineering launched a new course of study in Industrial Engineering and Offshore Wind Power Plants (specialisation: Industrial Systems Diagnostics) and a new edition of the course in Mechanical Engineering and Machinery Construction (specialisation: Construction and Operation of Offshore Energy Systems).

In 2021, Grupa Azoty Police signed a cooperation agreement with the University of Szczecin, providing, among other things, for the organisation of student and employee projects, provision of internship openings, support for students working on their graduation assignments and doctoral theses relevant to the company’s business, as well as joint research and development projects.

In 2021, Grupa Azoty Police and Grupa Azoty Polyolefins engaged in partnership with the Szczecin University of Technology, signing an agreement on a programme of expert lectures to be given by employees of the companies, scholarship contests, internship opportunities at the Grupa Azoty Group, and launch by the University of a course of study in Chemical and Process Engineering (specialisation: Operation of Petrochemical Plants) to train students in that specialist field.

In December 2021, we also signed an agreement with the Warsaw University of Technology on the provision of internship opportunities and joint R&D activities.

See how we engage with primary and secondary schools

Learn more about our collaboration with start-ups

We are open to innovative ideas originating from start-ups. We know that some of them can improve certain areas of our business. In 2021, Grupa Azoty S.A. had two ongoing acceleration programmes, KPT ScaleUP and IMPACT_POLAND 2.0, financed by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. As part of IMPACT_POLAND 2.0, eight pilot projects were implemented, one of which – a digital repository of R&D projects – was successfully delivered on a commercial basis. 

As part of KPT ScaleUP, the Company collaborated with 10 start-ups supporting them for a half year in running pilots of their products, services and technologies. In 2021, four ideas were validated and six were advanced to the acceleration phase. Two of the solutions received positive opinions: 

  • system for simultaneous humidity, temperature, pressure, UV radiation, noise and particulate matter measurements based on the LoRaWAN technology, including a visualisation platform and warning system. The system has been implemented at Grupa Azoty S.A.’s fertilizer storage facilities, 
  • virtual reality tool for training the operators of a non-pressurised ammonia storage and distribution facility. The solution met with great interest of Grupa Azoty Puławy and is now being assessed for business viability. 

In 2021, Grupa Azoty Puławy was engaged in the Eastern Business Accelerator platform operated by the Puławy Science and Technology Park, and in the Connect Poland Prize platform operated by the Lublin Science and Technology Park.

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