About the Grupa Azoty Group

Overview of the Group

At the Grupa Azoty Group, we believe in the power of the modern chemical industry, which contributes to improving the quality of people’s lives and to solving problems of the contemporary world.

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At the Grupa Azoty Group, we believe in the power of the modern chemical industry, which contributes to improving the quality of people’s lives and to solving problems of the contemporary world. We are proud to continue to be the largest manufacturer of fertilizers and chemical products in Poland. Our Group is also a major chemical producer in Europe, with a broad portfolio including mineral fertilizers, engineering plastics and OXO products. In 2021, our consolidated revenue rose by more than a half, to nearly PLN 16 billion.


The source of the Group’s strength lies in the resources of its members: a single organisation has brought together companies with different traditions and complementary business profiles, seeking to leverage their potential to implement a common strategy. This structure allows us to offer a diverse product mix, ranging from nitrogen and compound fertilizers, engineering plastics, to OXO products and melamine.

Tomasz Hinc, President of the Management Board

In Poland, the Grupa Azoty Group is the leading producer of mineral fertilizers, polyamides, OXO alcohols, plasticizers, titanium white and melamine. In the European Union, we rank second in mineral fertilizer production and third in PA6 production. We owe our success to fifteen thousand employees working at more than 50 companies. Our diverse products are appreciated by customers on five continents – the Americas, Asia, Africa and, of course, Europe. Three Group companies – Grupa Azoty S.A., Grupa Azoty Puławy and Grupa Azoty Police − are listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.


Grupa Azoty Group in figures:

More than 15,000 employees
  • Almost 10,000 employees at the 4 key companies
  • Agro Fertilizers
  • Plastics
  • Chemicals
  • Energy
  • Other Activities
Main manufacturing plants in Poland
  • Tarnów
  • Puławy
  • Police
  • Kędzierzyn-Koźle

Key raw materials
  • ammonia
  • benzene
  • electricity
  • phenol
  • phosphate rock
  • natural gas
  • propylene
  • sulfur
  • potassium chloride
  • coal
Distribution areas
  • European Union and other European countries
  • Asia
  • North America
  • South America 
  • Africa

1In October 2021, three segments were established under the Grupa Azoty Group Strategy.

See the organisations of which Grupa Azoty Group is member
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Membership of associations and initiatives in 2021

Chemicals and fertilizers:

Polska Izba Przemysłu Chemicznego (Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry)Website

Fertilizers Europe

International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA)

European Phosphate Fertilizer Alliance (AEEP)

EBIC – European Biostimulants Industry CouncilWebsite

Centrum Zaawansowanych Technologii przy Instytucie Chemii Przemysłowej (Advanced Technology Centre at the Industrial Chemistry Institute)Website

IVA (German Agricultural Industry Association)Website

European Plasticizers (ECPI)Website

EPL – European Petrochemical Luncheon International AssociationWebsite

European Petrochemical Association (EPCA)
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Chemicznego (Polish Association of Chemical Engineers)

CEFIC – Sector Group Fertilizers Efficiency EnhancersWebsite

Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna – Federacja Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych (Polish Federation of Engineering Associations NOT), Tarnów Division


Stowarzyszenie Księgowych w Polsce (Accountants Association in Poland)Website
Stowarzyszenie Polskich Skarbników Korporacyjnych (Association of Polish Corporate Treasurers)Website
Stowarzyszenie Emitentów Giełdowych (Polish Association of Listed Companies)Website

Chambers of Commerce:

Izba Energetyki Przemysłowej i Odbiorców Energii (Polish Chamber of Industrial Power and Energy Consumers)Website

Izba Przemysłowo – Handlowa w Tarnowie (Tarnów Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Polska Izba Odzysku i Recyklingu Opakowań (Polish Chamber of Packaging Recovery and Recycling)

Izba Gospodarcza Transportu Lądowego (Land Transport Commercial Chamber)
Zachodniopomorska Okręgowa Izba Inżynierów Budownictwa (West Pomeranian Regional Chamber of Civil Engineers)Website

Opolska Izba Gospodarcza (Opole Chamber of Commerce)Website
Staszowska Izba Gospodarcza (Staszów Chamber of Commerce)
Staropolska Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa (Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce)Website

Izba Gospodarcza Gazownictwa (Polish Chamber of Natural Gas Industry, IGG)Website

Economic development:

Związek Pracodawców Business & Science Poland (Business & Science Poland Union of Employers)Website

Polskie Forum ISO 9000 (Polish ISO 9000 Forum)Website

Związek Przedsiębiorców i Pracodawców (Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers)Website

Puławskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości (Puławy Entrepreneurship Centre)Website

Logistics and safety:

Konsorcjum Bezpieczeństwo Gospodarcze Polski (Polish Economic Security Consortium)Website
Forum Liderów Bezpiecznej Pracy (Forum of Safe Work Leaders)

Krajowa Sieć Informatyczna Europejskiej Agencji Bezpieczeństwa i Zdrowia w Pracy (National IT Network of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work)

System pomocy w transporcie materiałów niebezpiecznych SPOT (SPOT System of Assistance in Hazardous Material Transport)

International Security Systems Association (ISSA)

GCU Bureau Sprl (General Contract of Use for Wagons)Website

VPI – Verband der Guterwagenhalter in Deutschland E.V.Website


Towarowa Giełda Energii S.A. (Polish Power Exchange)

Towarzystwo Obrotu Energią (Association of Energy Trading)Website

Heat Transfer Research INC. (HTRI)Website

European Clean Hydrogen AllianceWebsite


 Instytut Audytorów Wewnętrznych Polska (Institute of Internal Auditors Poland)
 Transparency RegisterWebsite

Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich (Association of Polish Electrical Engineers), Tarnów Division Board

Klub Polskich Laboratoriów Badawczych POLLAB (POLLAB Club of Polish Research Laboratories)

DIN (German Institute for Standardization)
Stowarzyszenie Inspektorów Ochrony Danych (Data Protection Officers’ Association) – SABI

Klub Sportowy Azoty-Puławy (Azoty-Puławy Sports Club)Website
Lubelski Klaster Biotechnologiczny „LKBio” (‘LKBio’ Lublin Biotechnology Cluster)Website
Awards we received in 2021

Good business

  • Grupa Azoty has been included in the ‘National Champions’ ranking prepared by the editors of Polityka Insight. The ranking comprises 15 largest Polish companies which stood out with the best results in four key categories: economy, industry, foreign operations and innovation.
  • We won in the Fertilizer Manufacturer category of a ranking compiled by the Wprost weekly, and took the second place overall in the Golden 100 of Polish Agriculture list.
  • The Grupa Azoty Group was among the winners of the Decarbonisation Initiatives Ranking compiled by the PTWP Group, publisher of the wnp.pl website. The ranking presents the most interesting, imaginative and effective initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The Grupa Azoty Group’s biodegradable starch product was awarded at the Potato Poland Fair.
  • The Grupa Azoty Group ranked first among chemical companies in the Most Valuable Polish Brands Ranking, organised by the Rzeczpospolita daily.
  • The Grupa Azoty Group’s projects were recognised by European Clean Hydrogen Alliance.
  • The e-plastics website was distinguished during the 2021 Plastpol Fair.

Community involvement and contribution to the Group’s environment

  • Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn was among the winners of the national stage of the LODOŁAMACZE (ICEBREAKERS) competition, designed to distinguish employers that are socially sensitive and support professional development of the disabled.

Labour practices and decent work

  • Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn received the Gold Card of Safe Work Leader, awarded by the Central Institute of Labour Protection – National Research Institute.
  • Grupa Azoty Puławy received the Gold Card of Safe Work Leader awarded in 2022–2023 by the Central Institute of Labour Protection – National Research Institute in recognition for the company’s use of science and technology advancements to improve working conditions, occupational safety and human protection.

Table of contents
About the Grupa Azoty Group